
Tuesday 21 January 2014


N: Hi Anna! What a surprise, what are you doing here?
A: Hello!! I'm looking info about a new offert. I saw the ad yesterday and it was amazing.
N: Em... What do you mean?
A: Well, next week my boyfriend and I make two years and I didn't know what to buy until yesterday when I saw a fantastic advert about a special new pack, it is...
N:Oh! I think I saw it. Isn't it something like a road trip to Fireflies cave?
A: Yeah! They also give you a CD and a book, your favorite ones! The road trip lasts one day, you start it in the afternoon, spend the night doing bivouac shelter and then you arrive in the morning. Isn't it amazing? Obviously with a guide.
N: Wow, this must be expensive...
A: In fact, it isn't, have a look to this price.
N: Are you sure it isn't a mistake?
A: No, I've just talked with that women.
N: I don't know but it's a bit strange. Do you have any other opcion? I mean for your present.
A: Not yet, but I thing this is the perfect one.
N: I think you should look for more information, what about if you have a look to other opcions during a couple days?
A: I don't know...
N: Come on! I'll help you. If there isn't anything better you can come back here.
A: Okay, but it must be really really good.

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