
Thursday 21 November 2013


Now a days, Spain is below the OECED average in PISA test. Furthermore, government isn’t doing anything to change this situation. For this reason, we have to improve our education system.

In my opinion, teachers only congratulate people who have good marks. The other students, also like to study and  need high marks to enter (at) the university, too. Most of teachers don’t pay attention in there. Furthermore, the classes are too larger. The concentration of a teenager is smaller than a hour. In my opinion, a good point is to make seven classes of 45 minutes per day. Although, I think that the  problem of the Spanish education is the money. We don’t have all the resources that we need and for this reason we don’t have to  qualified education.

To sump up, I would like to say that the government has to put more presupposes in the education. The teenagers will be the future, and it’s important that they have a good education.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post, Xènia. It is very interesting, dear.
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