
Thursday 21 November 2013


9 Congost Street
La Pobla de Segur

20th November 

Dear family,
How are you? I’m very well here in Catalonia, people are very kind and the food is different but good. The weather is hotter than in Shanghai, but there’s less pollution.
The most different thing between Spain in general and China I think that is the school system. Here, teachers are less strict. They don’t study the same hours than us, but I think, that their quality of life is better than in our county. Another big different point is that here, the government doesn’t invest much money at the schools. In China we don’t have to pay for some things we use, but here they have to pay for.
However, in Spain all the people can study and get a gob although they have gotten low marks in the school.
In summer I’m going to return home, I want to see you. I hope that you too.
Write soon!!

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